This section last updated on Dec 15, 2023

Section L FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions for Child Care Providers

These FAQs are intended to provide quick answers to some of the most common questions that providers have. If you have a question that you feel is not covered, or you want more clarification, please contact Child Care Subsidy at 405-521-3431 or by email at

1. How much does OKDHS pay child care providers?

DHS pays a wide variety of rates based on many factors such as type of facility (child care home or center), age of child, amount of care authorized and star rating. DHS rates can be found on the Appendix C-4-B, Child Care Provider Rate Schedule. More Information on Rates and Unit Types can be found in Section C of this Handbook.

2. What if a parent does not swipe the Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card, or use the ECC Connect App to record attendance when their child attends my facility?

If a parent fails to swipe the EBT card, you can charge the parent the approved DHS rate for that day. If the parent completes previous in and out swipes within 10 days of the date of attendance, you will have to reimburse the parent if he or she paid you for that day. More Information on the EBT system can be found in Section D EBT, Provider Web, and ECC Connect App, of this Handbook.

3. Is there a limit to the number of hours DHS will pay me for a child to be in care?

The part-time rate pays for care used 4 hours or less per day while the full-time rate pays for care used over 4 hours and up to 24 hours per day. More Information on Rates and Unit Types can be found in Section C of this handbook.

4. Can I charge parents more than what DHS pays or for specific fees?

By signing a Child Care Provider Contract, you agree to accept the rates paid by DHS. You cannot charge the parent any additional amounts including the difference between the DHS rate and your private pay rate. You also cannot charge fees for times when care is not provided, such as vacation or termination fees. Certain fees are allowed such as enrollment fees, transportation fees and activity fees as long as these fees are clearly posted and you charge non-DHS parents the same fees. More information on Allowable Fees and Rates are in Section A, Your Contract with DHS.

5. How will I know if a child has been approved to attend my facility?

The most effective way to verify a child’s eligibility is to log into the Provider Web. If you need assistance accessing or using the Provider Web once you have a contract, call 1-800-797-7474. More Information on Understanding Client Eligibility can be found in Section B of this Handbook.

6. I have a child in care that has turned age 13. Shouldn’t the care have ended the day before his 13th birthday?

Beginning October 1, 2016, policy has changed to allow children who turn age 13 during a 12 month eligibility period to continue receiving child care assistance until the next renewal.
Note: Children between ages 13-19 who are disabled and can’t appropriately care for themselves may also be eligible to receive continued care.

7. I know of a DHS client who no longer works yet continues to bring their child to child care and swipe their EBT card. Should I report this to someone?

Beginning October 1, 2016, policy has changed to allow 12 month eligibility periods for most families. Families are allowed to continue using child care at the current DHS-approved level even when the client loses their need factor during a 12 month eligibility period. You do not need to report this. For more information, see Section B of this Handbook.

8. What do I need to do if I think a parent is using care fraudulently?

Contact the Office of Inspector General (OIG) at 1-800-784-5887 to report any fraud allegations. More Information on Who To Contact can be found in Section J of this Handbook.

9. Will I receive something from DHS to use for filing my income taxes?

The Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) contractor, Conduent, will send you a 1099 each January which documents all payments you received from DHS during the previous year. More Information on Expectations and Responsibilities can be found in Section I Expectations and Responsibilities.

10. What do I need to do if my address and/or phone number changes?

Address and phone number changes need to be reported immediately to your local Child Care Licensing Specialist. When your licensing workers approves and updates your address or phone number, that is all that is needed the systems will update when they complete the change.

11. What do I need to do if I change my business entity (ex: sole proprietorship to LLC), sell my business, buy an existing child care that already has a contract, or change my facility type (ex: home to center)?

This would be considered a coordinated change. All coordinated changes must be reported to Child Care Subsidy at 405-521-3431 or email at least 30 days prior to the change taking effect. Coordinated changes require a new license, stars and contract all beginning on the first day of a future month.

12. What do I need to do if I change my banking information?

When you first get a Point of Service (POS) machine, you must give your bank account number where payments will be deposited to the Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) contractor, Conduent. If you change bank accounts, you must contact Conduent at 1-800-797-7474. More Information on Who To Contact can be found in Section J of this Handbook.

13. Do I need a POS machine if my parents want to use the ECC Connect mobile app?

The ECC Connect App will not work for your contract number until the POS machine process has been completed with the EBT contractor, Conduent. The app is another option for recording attendance in addition to the EBT card. Until EBT cards and POS machines completely go away, both methods (EBT card or phone app) remain allowable options. Only one option should be used for each check in or check out to avoid duplicate entries. There may be a variety of reasons why a provider is unable to accept attendance recorded through the phone app at this time. Use of the Provider Web should be used to verify attendance recorded.

14. Do I need an analog phone line for the machine, even if parents are only going to use the ECC Connect App?

Yes, the POS machines will only work with an analog phone line. The ECC Connect App will not work for your contract number until the POS machine process has been completed with the EBT contractor, Conduent. The app is another option for recording attendance in addition to the EBT card. Until EBT cards and POS machines completely go away, both methods (EBT card or phone app) remain allowable options. Only one option should be used for each check in or check out to avoid duplicate entries. There may be a variety of reasons why a provider is unable to accept attendance recorded through the phone app at this time. Use of the Provider Web should be used to verify attendance recorded.

15. How can I find out more about the Subsidy Program and what is required of me if I have a Subsidy Contract?

This online handbook (Child Care Handbook – Home) is the best resource for up-to-date information about the Subsidy program.

16. I have an authorization showing for a child that is not enrolled at my facility.

There is nothing for you to do. Sometimes that happens if a contract number was entered on a case incorrectly. The child appearing as authorized does not mean you have to provide care, and they do not count in any of your numbers. You are only paid on swiped on attendance. The authorization will show until the case is changed by a worker.