Section M Contract Renewal
This an automatic renewal for 2024-2025.
There is nothing for you to do.
Your contract has automatically been renewed effective October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025.
The food program no longer requires a letter as proof of your subsidy contract.
If you need a letter for your own records, you can access your account at to get a copy of your contract renewal letter. Only current active licenses/permits and contracts that were open on 09/25/2024, will be able to access the website.
To log in and access your contract renewal letter, your username is your license K8 number, include all zeros, there are no dashes or spaces. For example, K8300*****. Your password is your 5 digit contract number.
If your facility has more than one contract number, only the original regular contract number is used. EHS-CCP and OECP secondary contract numbers are not used.
Be sure to save and/or print your copy. You will not receive a copy in the mail. If you have trouble signing in to your account, please contact the OU CPM Help Desk at or 405-521-2580. For questions about your contract or renewal, email