This section last updated on Nov 20, 2024

Section D Electronic (EBT) Provider Web, and ECC Connect App

All contracted child care centers and homes must use the EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) attendance tracking and payment system to receive subsidy payments.

In order to receive subsidy payments you must:

  • Have a subsidy contract with DHS
  • Have at least one child authorized (approved by a DHS caseworker) at your contract number before you can request a POS machine and receive payments
  • Complete the process and all paperwork with the EBT Contractor, Conduent. This includes the required banking information for direct deposits
  • Have an analog land line phone hook-up for the Point of Service (POS) machine
    • At this time, a POS machine still needs to be available as an option for recording attendance, a landline and POS machine would still be required for providers. The ECC Connect app for clients will not work for your contract number until the POS machine is setup.
    • Families may still use their EBT cards to record attendance, OR use the new ECC Connect App on their phone to record attendance. Please do not discourage families if they choose to continue using their EBT card.
  • Log-in to the Provider Web.

How the EBT System Works

DHS clients record time and attendance through the POS machine with their EBT card, or by using the ECC Connect App on their mobile phone. Only one method should be used to check in and check out to avoid duplicate entries.

Attendance information from the POS machine is sent to a system that matches it against what DHS staff authorized. Based on reports you can obtain from the Provider Web, you will know when the child is approved to start, how much co-payment needs to be collected from the client, and if care is approved for that day.

Attendance information entered on the ECC Connect App will only show on the Provider Web; use the Provider Web to verify this attendance recording method and not the POS machine.

Provider Web

The Provider Web is a useful tool that you should use frequently.

The Provider Web can be used to access:

  • Payment Reports
  • Children’s Authorization information
  • Various Reports for attendance
    • Today’s Exceptions
    • Today’s Attendance – Summary and Detail
    • Monthly Activity with Absent Days – Summary and Detail
    • Previous 10-day Exceptions
    • Previous 10-day Attendance – Summary and Detail
    • Weekly Reconcile – Summary and Detail
    • Provider Authorization Renewal Due report

For complete, detailed information about how to use the system, read the “EBT Day Care Provider Operation’s Manual.” If you would like a copy of this document please call the EBT help desk at 1-800-647-8533 to order.

For Technical Assistance and Password Problems please call the EBT help desk at 1-800-647-8533.

Client EBT Card

Issues regarding the caretaker’s EBT card not working, needing replacement, or other issues, the client must contact DHS Service Center office.

Child care EBT cards, including replacement cards, can be printed in-person at any DHS Service Center office.

Instructional Videos for Clients on using their Child Care EBT card

Please feel free to share these links with clients needing assistance, and view them yourself to understand the system.

The POS machines are maintained by the EBT contractor, Conduent. Issues with the machine need to be resolved by contacting Conduent at 1-800-647-8533.

For complete, detailed information about how to use the system, read the “EBT Day Care Provider Operation’s Manual.” If you would like a copy of this document please call the EBT help desk at 1-800-647-8533 to order.

POS Machine Messages

“Approval” messages are received when:

  • the parent completes real-time in and out swipes and care has been authorized at your facility.

“Pending” messages are received when:

  • the parent completes previous in and out swipes. Unless all days have been used, these should be paid. You can also check the status of an authorization on the Provider Web.
  • the client is approved with a different provider but the provider information has not been changed in the system yet. When a swipe shows a “pending- different provider” message, all the attendance information is being stored in the EBT system. The dates and times will be stored for future payment up to a maximum of 90 days. These swipes should pay automatically when the worker completes the change of provider in the system. When a “pending- different provider” message is received, the client should contact a worker immediately. 

“Denied” messages are received when:

  • a client has not applied for child care benefits or has a pending application that has not been approved;
  • a child with an active child care benefit has run out of authorized days for the month;
  • a case has been closed; or
  • incorrect information is entered into the system, for example, if the client enters the wrong person number for a child.

The system stores the attendance information but will not pay on “denied” swipes. If you receive subsequent approval for these attempted transactions, the client can enter previous ins and outs for the current day and the previous nine days for any attendance. If attendance was prior to the previous in/out time period, see Section H- Payment Adjustments.

ECC Connect App

ECC (Electronic Child Care) Connect mobile phone app — is an option that providers can allow parents with children in subsidized child care to record attendance. The app is available for download now in the App Store or Google Play.

Remember, the ECC Connect App will not work for your contract number until you have completed the process with Conduent and the POS machine is setup.

Quick Facts:

  • Families may still use their EBT cards to record attendance. Please do not discourage families if they choose to continue using them. This method gives immediate response for both the client and provider. It is the provider’s option to allow use of the ECC Connect App.
  • Attendance recorded using the ECC Connect App will appear the same as EBT POS machine swipes on the Provider Web. You will not be able to use the POS machine tape to view phone ECC Connect app attendance.
  • Families have up to 10 days (the current day and the previous nine) to record attendance using the previous check-in and previous check-out functions.

Instructional Flyers for ECC Connect App

ECC Connect App FAQs:

Do providers that take DHS subsidy have to allow clients to use the app instead of the card?

The app is another option for recording attendance in addition to the EBT card. Until EBT cards and POS machines completely go away, both methods (EBT card or phone app) remain allowable options. Only one option should be used for each check in or check out to avoid duplicate entries. Use of the Provider Web should be used to verify attendance recorded.

Do the providers have to sign up for anything in order for their clients to use the app?

No,  but the ECC Connect App will not work for your contract number until the POS machine process has been completed with the EBT contractor, Conduent. Providers will need to check attendance using the Provider Web to ensure swipes are correctly entered by the parents. The POS machine tapes cannot be used to verify attendance entered on the phone app.

If a client currently has a child care card, and it is damaged or lost, or they want to try the app, can they switch over to the app at any time?


How are additional users/card holders handled on the app (authorized reps)?

For AFS cases, there can still only be the payee and one authorized representative. Both the payee and authorized rep have the ability to create an account and see what is going on with the account.

Can a provider be an authorized representative for a family whose child attends the facility?

No. Just like with EBT cards, the provider is never to have access to a client’s phone app account.

If the client still prefers the card, is that still an option?

Yes, families may still use their EBT cards to record attendance. Please do not discourage families if they choose to continue using them.

Should providers send their current machines back?

No, machines should still stay with the providers as an option to use to record attendance.

OK ECC Parent Mobile APP FAQ’s

I forgot my User ID.

Please use the Forgot User ID link to have an email with your User ID sent to you. If they are not getting the email the client can email for questions. Often the client has registered and misspelled something in their email address.

I forgot my password.

Please use the forgot password link on the app. The parent will be required to enter the last four of their SSN and case number in order to reset their password. Passwords must be between 8-12 characters with a minimum of 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter and 1 number or symbol. Symbols such as * are discouraged from being used.

I cannot register my account

Please check to make sure the case number and last four of the SSN are correct.

I can’t log in with the User ID

Check to make sure the parents aren’t trying to use the same user ID on two different phones. Each parent should have their own user ID on separate phones.

My child is not showing up in the app

Check to see if the child has an open authorization at the day care. If not, they will not appear.

It would help if I could see the days I’ve already checked in and out.

This is a feature that is planned for the future.

Why do I see other children on my phone?

If you are on the same case as other parents’ you will be able to see all children associated with that case number.

For accurate payment and attendance recording

Full time: requires a check in and a check out for correct payment. If the client only checks the child in and not out, you will only be paid the part time rate.

Part time: requires only a check in for correct payment but you may require a check out for your records.

Blended: during the specified school year of August 16 to May 15, only a check in is required for correct payment but you may require a check out for your records. During the specified “summer” of May 16 to Aug 15, a check in and a check out is required to receive the weekly rate and absent day payments.

Weekly: requires a check in and a check out for correct payment. If the client only checks the child in and not out, you will only be paid the part time rate. Part time days will not count towards the minimum number of days required for absent day payments.

Electronic Settlement Payment Schedule

The EBT system processes all the attendance information transmitted daily machine and determines what payment you will receive. Any co-payments and/or payments by absent parents or employers as well as any garnishments, levies, or overpayments you might owe to DHS have already been subtracted.

The EBT payment week begins every Sunday at 12:01 a.m. and ends every Saturday at midnight. Electronic settlements are deposited into your account each week. Each deposit is for attendance two weeks before the current week. This allows for you to void any incorrect swipes and clients to enter any missed swipes. The payment calendar is located in Section K, Links and Forms.