This section last updated on Dec 15, 2023

Section I Expectations and Responsibilities

DHS expects all child care providers to read and understand their contracts before signing them. You are expected to comply with all terms of the contract.

DHS further expects you to read and comply with this Handbook. This Handbook will serve as a reference tool for you and your staff whenever needed. Because this Handbook is available online, you and your staff can readily access it by computer, smart phone, or tablet. Notification of updates, changes, or alerts will be made to the Handbook.

DHS Expectations and Responsibilities

DHS is responsible for the following:

  • informing providers and parents the status of authorized care;
  • informing all providers of any changes in DHS policies and procedures, as needed;
  • answering any questions clients or providers have regarding child care;
  • paying all approved subsidized child care EBT transactions by electronic settlement on the scheduled payment date; and
  • paying all approved subsidized child care manual claims by electronic settlement within 45 days after receiving a CORRECT, COMPLETE, AND LEGIBLE Child Care Claim form.

Client Expectations and Responsibilities

Clients receiving child care subsidy are responsible for NOTIFYING DHS within 10 days of the following CHANGES:

  • child care providers
  • income/employer
  • work, school or training schedule
  • family size
  • address
  • number of children in care
  • loss or theft of the Access Oklahoma EBT card

Clients are also responsible for using their EBT card to check children in and out of the child care facility correctly and in a timely fashion. They are to keep their EBT cards secure in their possession and are never to give out their personal identification numbers.

If the provider agrees to accept ECC Connect attendance, clients may use the ECC Connect app.

If attendance information cannot be transmitted through the EBT system or swipes are denied, the client is responsible for contacting their worker to resolve the problem as soon as possible. The client should continue to record attendance.

Finally, the client is expected to make all co-payments for subsidized care directly to you and on time. It is the client’s responsibility to swipe the correct days and hours the child attends care. Providers should notify clients of attendance that needs correction in a timely manner. The client is expected to pay you for any times DHS will not pay due to missed swipes or care not covered by the child’s authorization.

Clients have the right to expect timely action on their requests for child care benefits. Actions that decrease benefits should never be taken “back in time.” Instead, county staff writes overpayments against the client when mistakes are made. The client also has a right to a fair hearing when they disagree with any action taken on their case.

Provider Expectations and Responsibilities

As a child care provider who contracts with DHS you can expect to be paid in a timely manner, by both DHS and all clients. If a client fails to pay the assigned co-payment, you have the right to refuse to continue to provide that family with care.

You also can expect timely notification of any change in your contract status as a child care provider. Further, you can expect to be notified of any changes in DHS contracting policy or procedures. You may be notified of these changes through email, through the Child Care Services Listserv emails, alerts through your POS machine, alerts on the Introduction page of this Handbook, and/or mandatory training.

As a child care provider who has a contract with DHS you are also RESPONSIBLE for the following:

  • complying with all the terms of your child care provider contract;
  • being familiar with and using the provider Handbook as a reference tool;
  • keeping up to date with current DHS policies and procedures;
  • maintaining a working analog land line for the POS machine;
  • making the POS machine readily available for parents to use;
  • monitoring daily attendance information through the Provider Web or POS machine reports and voiding all transactions that are not accurate;
  • informing clients of attendance corrections that need to be made in a timely manner to ensure correct payment.
  • collecting any co-payment owed by the client AND giving them a receipt for the amount received;
  • completing and submitting all Manual Claims in an accurate and timely manner;
  • clearly posting all rates and fees;
  • advising new parents of facility policy and fees;
  • keeping accurate business records;
  • cooperating with OIG investigations and audits;
  • completing any corrective action plans; and
  • ensuring your staff are aware of DHS policies and procedures.

Keeping Records

By any definition, including that of such government entities as the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and the Oklahoma Tax Commission (OTC), child care is a business like any other. As a result, all of your billing records, documentation, and DHS records should be kept in an organized, easily accessible, business-like manner. You must maintain accurate business records in order to be paid correctly. If you fail to keep accurate records, you may lose profits due to overpayments that must be paid back to DHS.

Important Tax Information

Each January, the EBT contractor will send a copy of Form 1099 (when required by law) to the IRS and to you.

It is very important that DHS has your business’s current and correct name and Tax Identification Number (TIN). Your TIN is your Social Security Number (SSN) or Employer Identification Number (EIN). Any updates to your TIN should be immediately reported to your licensing specialist.

If you are receiving DHS benefits

If you are receiving one or more of the following benefits from DHS: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), SoonerCare (Medicaid), or Child Care Benefits, please remember that it is your responsibility to report all income and/or changes in your situation to your DHS case worker within 10 days.

As a self-employed child care provider, you must keep accurate business records to verify all of your income. In addition to payments you receive from DHS, which can be verified on the Provider Web, you must also keep accurate records of co-payments received, and payments received from private pay parents. All of this income, as well as any other money you receive for your business, must be reported to and verified by your worker.